In my limited experience, what I do has a lot to do with how I feel. When I think, write, speak and do happy, energetic things, I tend to be happier and more energetic. When I don't, I'm not. I can't say for sure which comes first, but they do go together.
After my heart was recently pulled out of my chest, devoured by a serpent, digested, excreted and trampled upon, I was in a serious funk. I started this blog because I was trying to carry on my I'm-OK-don't-worry-about-me routine (with no success). I needed an outlet. I cried. I read three Willa Cather books that I had read before. I cried more. I ditched school for a week. I didn't run. And I felt like crap.
After several days of sulking my friend Teri really kicked me in the butt. She made me get out. She made me run. She made me study. After a day or two, I felt better. After a week I felt a lot better. I'm still sad about the way things ended, but I don't feel like I did then. That was the lowest I've ever felt.
I made a conscious effort to stay positive, even when venting here. I stopped talking about him. I stopped crying. I tried to keep up a positive spirit. I did not write about dipshit canceling my phone without prior notice to me. I did not write about him demanding the return of a textbook he used last freaking year. I did not write about boxing EVERYTHING* he gave me up and sending it back. I did not write about the incident at the bar with the 'other woman' (gawd that sounds awful). They are all stories that (after I selectively omit stuff) make him look like more of a Ginormous A*hole than he probably is. But I did not write about them because I did not want to dwell on the negative. Now that they are in the past, I wish I would have been more honest about how I was feeling.
It is much easier for me to reveal what I
felt like, rather than to reveal what I
feel like. I can reflect on what is completed with some clarity. I cannot, however, do the same with the present. Not yet. I still can't decide whether I'm lying to myself, or just hiding my feelings from public view. I know that reflection on the past is much easier for me than introspection on the present. It is also safer, because we can't change the past. At times I fear the change that true introspection might require. I don't want my soul to be searched. I only want it to be admired. I am a selfish twit in that way. I want to know others, but I hold back from allowing myself to be fully known.
I held back some things with him. Our relationship wasn't the best by any means. We were probably going to break up anyway; his infidelity was merely the catalyst. Did I not trust him with my secrets because (1) I knew he was untrustworthy, (2) our relationship was not to that level, or (3) I feared that he wouldn't like what he saw if I did reveal my innermost thoughts and feelings? I want you to think it was one or two, but I know there was a bunch of three in there, too.
* I kept the running shoes he gave me, because he couldn't exactly use them (and I use them every freaking day).