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Sunday, October 01, 2006


That was an awesome weekend. Teri, who continues to show she’s a better friend than I ever thought possible, is such an awesome girl. I've gotta find a way to pay her back. My thoughts of seeking out anti-depressant medication is over for at least a week or two. If someone would bottle this weekend we could put the prozac people out of business. This weekend was just what the doctor would have ordered, if I had asked.

The short version is that she introduced me to a gorgeous K’BOI, who makes my little heart go pitter-patter. He is huge, but in a good way. He’s not muscular, and he certainly isn’t fat, but rather just solid. And tall. He reminds me of the Rocky Mountains. For blogging purposes, he’s TobyKeith (though he lacks the hair and other stuff I’d notice if I were a Toby Keith fan).

But enough about him; the important thing to remember is I STILL GOT IT, BABY. It is, after all, all about moi.

The longer, but still greatly condensed version, follows:


On the drive there Teri mentioned that there was someone she wanted to introduce me to. Despite my weak protestations about not being ready for that, I was optimistic, but tried to put on that I didn’t care. (I failed.) Someone who doesn't know what a basket case I've been recently can only be good. She told me a bunch about him, and it appeared that she might have mentioned me to him, too. That part made me a bit nervous.


Teri finally introduced us on Saturday night at a dance. I’m sure I made a great first impression. My first words to him are destined to replace “But soft, what light through yonder window breaks.” I’m sure I’ll get a call any moment from a major motion picture studio hoping to pick up the rights. I said, and I quote “That’s a big hat.” Feel free to use the line if you want. I request only that you give me creative credit for it. Anyway, his response was something like “Thankie, ma’am,” so he didn’t take offense. And being called ma’am is endearing! I heartily recommend it. Polite boys rock.

He spent the rest of the evening sitting at our table and talking a little. He was very sweet and attentive. He bought me a beer. (Did I mention I don’t like beer? Well, I didn’t mention it to him, either.) We didn’t dance as much as I would have liked, except for the slow ones. Those were nice.


We danced the last few slow songs, then stayed around talking until they turned all the lights on (subtle, no?). As we left I walked him to his truck as my friends waited. We were walking side by side, and as we approached the truck he put his arm around me. He told me he had a good time and that he hoped we would get together again soon. Then, while I wasn’t expecting it at all, he gave me a squeeze with his right arm and kissed the top of my head. He asked if he could call me. When I offered him my number he said he already had it, since I live with Teri. It could have been in a Disney movie, it was so cute and wholesome. He definitely knows to leave them wanting more. I would have liked it to last a little longer. Maybe it will.


Blogger Southern (in)Sanity said...

Sounds like a great weekend. Hope everything works out for you.

9:59 AM  
Blogger Pud said...

Everyone needs a weekend like that every now and again. Glad to hear you got a weekend like that or else you might have slipped into a funk. And no one likes to be funky.

4:52 PM  
Blogger limpy99 said...

Let me know if you want me to write a romantic poem you can use.

4:54 PM  
Blogger Julene said...

Pud, it was a great weekend, and my spirits are miles higher than before.

Limpy, I can hardly wait to see the first of a new literary genre: the romance limerick. Somehow I don't see it catching on. ;)

10:45 AM  

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