My studies
I am an English major at a small college, which means that about half of my upper division courses consist of a professor giving me a list of books to read and getting together in his office once a week to see if I'm really reading them. Well, I love to read. Second to dancing. Well, maybe third behind dancing and running. Make that fourth ** no fifth, behind dancing, eating, running and getting a pedicure. No, pedicure is higher than running. Ahh crap. I lost focus. Anyway, I like to read, so after he figures out that I have read the book he either kicks me out of his office so he can leave or we just chat about stuff not related to the assignments.
One of the books on my list this year is Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. Oh My Gawd. Nabokov is a genius, and the book is truly a masterpiece. I'm typeless to describe it in less trite terms. I am a third of the way through it, and I cannot decide whether it is drama or comedy.
I thought I had a decent vocabulary. I can scarcely make it through a paragraph without having to look something up in my dictionary. Who knew there were so many synonyms for prostitute? Lest you think I'm a total retard, some of the words I had to look up are pastiche, ribald (thought I knew what it was, but wasn't sure), demoniac (I've heard demonic, but not demoniac), fey, coeval, fauntlet, poltroon, fascinum and atoll. What boggles my mind is that English is Nabokov's third language, behind Russian and French, but his writing is amazing. Really amazing. You should really read it if you have the time. It is not easy reading, but it is breathtaking.
One of the books on my list this year is Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. Oh My Gawd. Nabokov is a genius, and the book is truly a masterpiece. I'm typeless to describe it in less trite terms. I am a third of the way through it, and I cannot decide whether it is drama or comedy.
I thought I had a decent vocabulary. I can scarcely make it through a paragraph without having to look something up in my dictionary. Who knew there were so many synonyms for prostitute? Lest you think I'm a total retard, some of the words I had to look up are pastiche, ribald (thought I knew what it was, but wasn't sure), demoniac (I've heard demonic, but not demoniac), fey, coeval, fauntlet, poltroon, fascinum and atoll. What boggles my mind is that English is Nabokov's third language, behind Russian and French, but his writing is amazing. Really amazing. You should really read it if you have the time. It is not easy reading, but it is breathtaking.
Good I have to get a dictionary just to read your post and learn all these new words!
You are exactly right about Nabokov, though. He is an incredible talent.
I'm still struggling with Lemony Snicket myself.
RWA, it is hard to post a response to your comment when all you do is agree with me. I know I'm always right, but still....
Limpy, Lemony Snicket is a riot, I have to give you that.
So, I should intentionally disagree with you, whether I actually do or not, just to make it easier for you to respond?
You don't have to disagree with me, silly. You can just marvel at how perceptive I am (or intelligent, or mature, or classy)
I love the written word and writing, but I have enough trouble wrapping my mind around Pablo Neruda, so Nabokov sounds like he is over my head. Glad you like though.
Nabokov and I broke up. The pedophilia angle was just a little too much for me. I liked the writing very much, though.
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