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Monday, October 16, 2006

Good Things Come in Any Packages

I didn't see TobyKeith this weekend, but I did talk to him on the phone for a bit. He was busy doing farming stuff, and I was busy doing homework (and going dancing). I continue to think that I could really like him, but the distance would be hard. If I'm gonna have a beau I want him to be around.

I went out Saturday night and danced practically the whole night. It was awesome. But it would have been a drag with a non-dancing bf in tow. One guy danced with me a few times and then asked me to study with him this week. He probably actually wants to study, but we'll see.

I like surprises. Today I got a package from UPS. When I saw it I had no idea what it might be, because I hadn't gone crazy on eBay lately. So who would send me a package? No one sends me packages. No one, it turns out, except TobyKeith. I opened it to find the disposable pie tin and rubbermaid thingy that I gave him with the leftover pie. Inside that was a Toby Keith Cd. It was a cool gesture, and it makes me think that maybe he's thinking about me as much as I have been thinking about him.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to give TobyKeith props on that one.

And, who knows? Maybe the study partner will grow into more...

10:27 PM  
Blogger Spaceman Spiff said...

College. Study partners. Long distance vs close. Ah, the days of yore. Who am I kidding, college was all beer, parties, and no sleep weekends. . . for 7 years. But hey, I made it.

I say live it up, go for it, love, experience, enjoy. Don't go too crazy, but don't be too buttoned up either. One day you have to get a real job and have responsibility and that, my fine Julene friend, is a pain in the butt.

So glad you stopped by for more questions, I answered by the way. Bring friends if you want, it's still a party at Spiffy's. . . . apparently he never gave up on the party life.

2:57 PM  
Blogger Spaceman Spiff said...

Oh, i've read a little, very intrigued. You have a unique and lively writing style and I enjoy it a lot. Especially when you write with emotion. I'll be back. I'm not sure if that is a threat, warning or present. It's something.

3:15 PM  
Blogger Julene said...

Rwa, I have to admit, my heart was aflutter when I opened it. It was very sweet. It was like something out of a movie, except I wasn't dressed to the nines and there was no cool background music playing.

And Spiffy (may I call you that?), thanks for stopping by. I'll try to make it worth your while.

6:22 PM  
Blogger Spaceman Spiff said...

Please, Spiffy is my prefered moniker. It makes me feel all clean and pretty. . . . that sounded kinda gay. . . . it makes me feel all shiny and new? no, now I'm sounding like that Madonna chick singing about being touched for the very first time. . . . now I sound even more gay cause I know that. . . . crap!

Did you ever start a comment and realize it was going downhill fast, but you had to keep going for the commedic effect? Hope it was worth it. Spiffy is great by the way.

8:46 AM  

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