JuneBug Julene

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Location: United States

Thursday, November 30, 2006

America's Next Top Model

I watched 20 minutes of America's Next Top Model last night. I feel dumber for having done it. That has to be the worst show on television. And the girls are not pretty at all without makeup. I am ashamed that I was too lazy to (a) leave, (b) start a fight with my housemate over the remote, or (c) claw my own eyes out to save me from the horror.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Weekend Away

I spent this past weekend in Lawrence, Kansas. It was a blast. One of my friends transferred to KU this year, and she invited me down for the weekend. It was the KS-KSU football weekend.

Before the game we unexpectedly went to a tailgate party. As we walked to the stadium an old guy (70?) said hello to us. We said hello back, and he said "I would be honored to have three beautiful girls join us for lunch." If he had been 30 it would have been creepy, but it was awfully sweet coming from him. And they had like ten times as much food as they needed. It was pretty cool. As we were stuffing our faces he joked for us not to tell his wife, who was sitting right next to him. She joked that it was OK with her and that he could have any of us that he could catch. Again, if she had been 30 it would have been creepy.

Then we went into the stadium. Since we were late we had to STAND in the very top, but that was OK. Let me note that I am not what you would call a big football fan. I am a big fan of getting together with friends and screaming for four straight hours in the cold while staring straight into the sun. The game was awesome. KU won the game and some students ran on the field and tackled the goalposts after the game.

Afterwards we went home to warm up, then went out in Lawrence. I haven't been asked out much since my relationship tanked. But Saturday night everyone was in a good mood and I got asked to dance the whole night. If Saturday was any indication, things might be better in a little bigger sea. I go to a pretty small school, so pretty much everyone knows who is dating whom or who has dated whom. That can't be the case at a big state school. One dude sent me a message which I got when I logged on yesterday.

On Sunday night we went to the KU Basketball game. I borrowed a student ID and got in. It was louder than the football game and much warmer. I like basketball more than football. KU had lost the week before, but they won easily. I have never had so much fun during a basketball game. I got a free T-Shirt. The students stand for the entire game. It was a great atmosphere. It would be fun to go to a lot of games.

I am considering transferring. I like my school, but I wonder if a change in scenery would do me good.

I haven't seen TobyKeith in two weeks, but we've talked on the phone a few times. On Wednesday afternoon I am flying to Denver to see my sister for Thanksgiving. TobyKeith is going to take me to the airport, which was really nice of him. It is completely out of his way, but he said he didn't mind, and wanted to take me out once before Thanksgiving. He's going to pick me up early, so we'll have several hours to spend before my flight leaves. I've got a little to tell about him, but I don't have time right now. I have to be nice to him, though, because I need a ride back on Sunday. LOL.

Oh, and the guy in Marketing apparently really wants to study.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


I've given up on love. It is, after all, only an unattainable illusion. I mean if two beautiful, intelligent, wholesome kids like K-Fed and Britney can't make a go of it in this wacky world, what hope is there for the rest of us? This was not just A love affair; it was THE love affair that defined a generation. Our only true happiness in life was the vicarious joy we felt when meditating upon K-Fed and Britney. Now it has all been crushed.

I fear that this horrible turn of events is all my fault. After all, I dressed up as K-Fed for Halloween. To the Fates who decide these things, I apologize. I offer the rest of my humble life on earth as atonement for my grievous fault.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Things I Learned on Halloween

I went to a fairly tame Halloween party last week. It wasn't nearly as much fun as I thought it would be. Not many people dressed up. I went as Kevin Federline and my housemate went as Britney Spears. I thought our costumes were pretty good. I had a fake beard in patches, huge tan cargo shorts, a brown suit coat and a dorky hat.

Here's what I learned:

• The most popular costume for girls this year was apparently "cheap slut." I only mention it because I'm jealous.

• Not many guys dress up for Halloween.

• Guys who wanted to dress up but didn't want to work at it came as Duke Lacrosse players (at least 5 of them).

• Guys make funnier girls than the other way around. The SNL "Drunk Girl" was really great.

• There are a lot of people that know a lot more information about K-Fed than they really should. Like most people, I'm not a fan; I just can't turn my head away from this trainwreck. But lots of people felt compelled to tell me some detail of Kevin's life that they thought I should have known since I was him for the night. Next year I'm going as Abigail Adams, just to see how much I can learn about her. ::roll eyes::

• Kevin isn't very chivalrous. For his sake, I hope that tabloids don't pick up on this. While Britney was getting smashed, he just mingled and ignored her the whole night. Also, they left Jayden on the bed, buried under several coats. When Britney puked, he just left her there alone. In fact, he's not even sure how she got home.

I mentioned a guy who wanted to study a while back. We've "studied" a couple of times, but it has actually involved mostly studying. Anyway, we chatted it up a bunch at the party. He gave me a ride home, but didn't actually ask me out. I need to work on my signals, I guess.